
What drives my motivation?

投稿日:2019年11月9日 更新日:

Hello everyone, it is Ducky! This week, I would like to talk about motivation and what keeps us going. I’m not going to add Japanese just yet as this would be a challenge to the Japanese readers. I would like to try switching between Japanese and English every other week.


There are many paths one can take in order to achieve their goals. But what kind of path do you take if all you see is an endlessly wide road?

Due to the many lanes this road has, you can switch lanes many times and may not notice anyone, feeling like you are alone on your adventure. Even if you stop, it doesn’t mean everyone else is going to stop with you. So in order for you to overcome motivation obstacles, you first need to understand what your ultimate goal is. Then break that goal into manageable chunks with side goals along the way.

For me and others like me, there are so many things I want to learn and acquire in order be useful to myself and others around me. Being able to add on to my list of goals and things to acquire in the blink of an eye, it is really easy for me to lose sight of what I truly want. Or is it that I want everything I can get my hands on that I know I can’t reach without being dedicated to life-long learning?

So let’s break it down from my perspective of why I want to achieve my goals and how I get my motivation to continue learning and improving myself every day to get to my goals.

Why do I want to achieve my goals?

So I can better myself in order to become self-sufficient. This does not mean that I won’t need help along the way, but I would be able to do a lot of things by myself and apply the things I learn to other fields that I may wander into.

Why do I want to become self-sufficient?

Becoming self-sufficient helps me learn where my strengths and weaknesses are personally and may help me understand where other people may fall short. This lets me try to either teach them or encourage them to try harder.

Why do I want to know my strengths and weaknesses?

I don’t even know where to begin with describing this. There are plenty of reasons why knowing your strengths and weaknesses are really important. But to start off, knowing your strengths and weaknesses allow you to figure out what you need to work on and what you could improve in order to specialize in a specific skill that you have. Be it communication or programming, you have your own worth that you forge through the amount of time and effort you put in.

Knowing your weaknesses are especially important. As the saying goes, a group is as strong as it’s weakest link. Even though you are not a group, you are made up of many different characteristics that make up who you are. You don’t even need to focus on everything that you come across. Just the things that you know that you know you will be encountering more frequently than others. So I try to focus on my weakest link more and slowly work on my strengths.

Why do I want to want to focus more on my weakest links?

There are so many things that I want to work on. But the ones that I have started working on and have yet to feel confident makes me feel that I am not ready to actually apply them in the outside world for others to see. Not only does it make it harder to showcase what I can do, but makes it more difficult to improve my other skillsets without getting better at skills related to it.

Not only that it improves all my other skillsets overall, it allows me to expand further on skills that I have not even thought about working on before. I may be spreading myself more thin as I keep working on new skills, but it allows me to use all my skills in order to assist my friends.

Why do I want to assist my friends?

There are a couple reasons why I would like to help my friends. This does not mean that I wouldn’t want to help others as well. It’s just that I don’t have the resources or expertise to help everyone that I come across, nor do I have the time to get to know their background. This does not come without benefit to both parties. It allows the receiving party to get their obstacle removed and gives me the chance to improve my skills and gain experience to do more tasks efficiently.

In a way, I may be spoiling them a little bit, but at the same time, I am a bit selfish and want to improve by gaining all the experience I can get my hands on.


In conclusion, I want to be able to improve myself the best that I can in order to assist my friends with their problems. It is not only to make myself self-sufficient, but to use what I know to help people that are close to me. I wonder how others deal with their loss of motivation at times. Since most motivation seems to be extrinsic, a strong intrinsic motivation would prove invaluable to moving forward towards your goals.

A smaller side motivation is sharing the experiences you make with the people you meet along the way. Not only may they share the same experiences as you, but they have the possibility to share some of the new things that they have experienced too. This would in turn allow you to figure out how you can improve from there. Instead of rebuilding the wheel again from scratch, why not take other people’s experiences so that you won’t have to learn from trial and error?




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